Presentation of the Hungarian Event Sector and Concert by Aranyakkord

image - Presentation of the Hungarian Event Sector and Concert by Aranyakkord

A propos

The Hungarian event sector brings its know-how to Brussels! Join our presentation to discover the best practices of large festivals such as the Strand Festival or conference centers.

Márton Égő - Strand Festival
Alíz Bukovics - A38
Ábel Petneki - BMC
Dániel Kovács - Etyeki Piknik

Free event upon registration:

We continue the MTPA Visibility series in collaboration with Hungarian Tourism Program Foundation aiming to link the Belgian cultural actors with the biggest Hungarian players of the sector.
After the discussions you will enjoy the unique sounds of the Aranyakkord band, project of Tibi Kiss, lead of one of the biggest bands of Hungary, Quimby, Gábor Vastag (A Kutya Vacsorája) and Andor Gábor 'Ufó'. Aranyakkord is the home of the melodies born in the moment.
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Galerie photo (1)

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