image - Bâtard Festival - Day 4

A propos

15:00 Simon Asencio / Communal reading - Reading at Random or Turning The Page (or Singing Out of Doors) / rile* 17:30 The fine art of making space: Globe Aroma a cultural shelter / Beurscafé SLOT 1 19:00 Petar Sarjanovi? - Everything I don't know, I've stolen / Zilveren zaal 20:30 Emmilou Rößling - FLUFF / Gouden zaal SLOT 2 20:30 Emmilou Rößling - FLUFF / Gouden zaal 22:00 Petar Sarjanovi? - Everything I don't know, I've stolen / Zilveren zaal 22:00 - 00:30 (walk in and out until 23h30) Charlie Usher - Mixed feelings / Gouden zaal Ongoing with live moments. Eva Decaesstecker - Stone liquids One-to-one appointments about love. Andrea Zavala Folache - Love stores premiere Ongoing. Laura Tinard - Post Performance Production House Installation with live moments. Sina Seifee - A Telegram Bestiary
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