L’éclair (CH) + YinYin (NL) + Under the Reefs Orchestra (BE)

image - L’éclair (CH) + YinYin (NL) + Under the Reefs Orchestra (BE)

A propos

L’Eclair (Ch) EN - Mixing all influences going from Afro-Disco, Kosmische Jazz and early House, L’Eclair is the perfect soundtrack against a modern society where time isn’t an option, nor even a possibility, and where humans and machines aren’t that dissociated anymore. They want to take you on a trip through different phases of your life and by chance, make you dance and cry at the same time. FR - Mélangeant toutes les influences allant de l'Afro-Disco, du Kosmische Jazz et des débuts de la House, L'Eclair est la bande-son parfaite contre une société moderne où le temps n'est plus une option, ni même une possibilité, et où les humains et les machines ne sont plus si dissociés. Ils vous emmènent en voyage à travers différentes phases de votre vie et, par la même occasion, vous feront danser et pleurer en même temps. YinYin (Nl) EN - In the numerology you say: the number one is a prime number and signifies the beginning and the singular nature of the universe. It is also related to completion, perfection, harmony, motivation, achievement and independence the number two on the other hand, is all about seeing two sides of any situation, diplomacy, partnership and the mutable nature of life. those two number together form the number 12. which stands for dynamic and energetic individual and for not being afraid of pushing the boundaries. In the summer of 2017, Kees Berkers (Baby Galaxy, YAYAYA) & Yves Lennertz (Bounty Island) started writing and recording songs in a ballet school in a remote village atthe foot of the Plateau of Doenrade near Alpaca Mountain. Being avid record collectors, with both members having a collection spanning almost every musical era and genre, details from many different genres seep through in their music. Using South East Asian music from the 60´s and 70´s as a main inspiration, whilst also bringing their individual musical backgrounds and interests to the table, the recording spree resulted in a remarkable set of songs mixing world music, disco, funk and electronic music. The back-and-forth between the two members during the creative process is symbolized by the name of their debut tape, ´Pingpxng´, which describes how two seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary. The number of songs on the debut, twelve, symbolizes the member‘s drive to discover and create new music, not being bothered by any boundaries or limitations. ´Pingpxng´ came out on cassette in the early summer of 2018 through Coaster Records (NL) and Interceptor Editions (DE). 12 songs on one tape with two sides. UTRO - Under The Reefs Orchestra (Be) Under The Reefs Orchestra est un trio instrumental évoluant aux frontières du jazz et du rock alternatif. Clément Nourry, guitariste, compositeur et proche collaborateur de Yokaï et Nicolas Michaux, y sont entourés du saxophoniste Marti Melia (Flat Earth Society) et du batteur Jakob Warmenbol (Don Kapot). D’une grande liberté stylistique, la musique d’Under The Reefs Orchestra épouse des structures mélodiques familières et invite l’auditeur dans un paysage hanté et unique. Entre vérité immuable et vertige de l’inconnu, Under The Reefs Orchestra offre la bande son parfaite de l’apocalypse écologique qui semble avoir commencé.
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