Day of Encounters: Constructed Histories, Conflicted Memories

image - Day of Encounters: Constructed Histories, Conflicted Memories

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While debates about the conflicted heritage of colonialism have gained momentum worldwide, this conference day confronts the fields of architectural history, art, film and heritage studies with the difficult question of the memorialization of colonial sites and architectures in both Belgium and the Democratic Republic of Congo. By revising the methods of architectural history and shifting the focus from questions of architectural style to social processes and bodies in space, it seeks to include and give a voice to the various stakeholders involved in the built and imaginary construction of both Belgium and its colonies at the turn of the 20th century and the ensuing decades. In this day of encounters, both artists, researchers and activists gather to discuss both historic and contemporary entanglements between architecture, urban history and colonialism through presentations, debates and film screenings. This event is initiated by Twenty Nine Studio & Production with the support of Brussels2030, CIVA and KANAL Centre Pompidou.?As part of Living Traces, developed by KANAL Centre Pompidou, the event is part of a larger multidisciplinary program between Brussels and Kinshasa. Photos ©Chrystel Mukeba Registration:
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