Cancelled: Nathan Daems Trio: Manouche, Rebetiko&more

Attention, cet événement a été annulé !
image - Cancelled: Nathan Daems Trio: Manouche, Rebetiko&more

A propos

Benjamin Clement, Renaurd Dardenne and Nathan Daems are steeped in several musical traditions, most of which originated in an era without electricity or times when electricity had little or no influence on music. Their repertoire consists of Jazz Manouche à la Django Reinhardt, Greek Rembetiko, Roma music from Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey as well as ancient Venezuelan and Brazilian music. Each of the musicians play in projects with maestro Tcha Limberger, so it will come as no surprise that they have a lot of music knowledge and repertoire in common. But the original combination of instruments provides a lot of possibilities to create unique sound spectra that provide enough inspiration to give free rein to their improvisational fantasies. Spectacular beauty guaranteed !

Nathan Daems: tenor sax & Bulgarian kaval
Benjamin Clement: acoustic guitar
Renaud Dardenne: : acoustic guitar

Art Base, Friday 18/12/20 20h, 12,50E ( reduced 7E for students under 26 and jobseekers),
29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to

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