Cancelled: Andreas Polyzogopoulos 4et: World Jazz

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image - Cancelled: Andreas Polyzogopoulos 4et: World Jazz

A propos

Trumpet player and composer Andreas Polyzogopoulos, presents for the first time in Belgium his new music. Joined by a fresh group of musicians, coming from Tunisia, Italy and France, he introduces us to his new cycle of compositions under the name "Petrichor". Petrichor means the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil. Most of the compositions are inspired by the scents and landscapes of his homeland. Growing up in a small village of southwest Greece, he has spent more than a decade in central Europe. Initially influenced by Miles Davis and Chet Baker, he soon discovered the modern European improvised music which has played a major role in discovering his own voice. Andreas has recorded four personal cd's and appears in more than sixty as a sideman, one of the last ones being the collaboration with the Brussels based pianist Diederik Wissels. In the very near future he will enter the studio, recording "Petrichor" with this superbe band.

Wajdi Riahi : piano, keyboards Federico Stocchi : double bass
Pierre Hurty : drums, electronics Andreas Polyzogopoulos: trumpet, electronics

Andreas Polyzogopoulos 4et invites David Lynch : Barbas

All tunes composed by Andreas Polyzogopoulos

Art Base, Thursday 22/10/20 20h, 12,50E ( reduced 7E for students under 26 and jobseekers),
29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to

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