opening expo, Guy Woueté Wie is We?

image - opening expo, Guy Woueté Wie is We?

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18:30 opening speech & artist talk w/ Guy Woueté & Sorana Munsya Knowledge and education are powerful tools that can be used to aid liberation or force dominion. Leopold II’s educative approach was to chop off the hands of those who resisted colonial rule.   This exhibition by Guy Woueté is essentially an attempt to forge a link between the past and the present. For Woueté, the importance of this elusive link, this common ground, cannot be underestimated; it is the prerequisite for new, shared ways of seeing, understanding and speaking. Without this shared understanding, we are bound to perpetuate the destructive systems that we are only now starting to fully acknowledge.  In collaboration with De Brakke Grond and programmer Wytske Visser EXPO Until 18 Dec 2020 WE–SA 12:00-18:00 + SU 20 SEPT 12:00 - 18:00
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