A propos

The music of Fabrice Mukuna evokes an almost folkloristic atmosphere that is reminiscent of his home village, its Luba-tongue and the land of Kasaï. With the assistance of pianist Lennart Van Praet, the whole is infused with a more contemporary Western and jazz-like touch. These two musicians like to join their improvising forces and submerge in the music of the moment, making use of different instruments such as piano, guitar, saxophones, drums/percussion… as well as their voices. In addition, Fabrice builds layers of sound with various effect pedals. Through this compelling whole of colourful harmonies and powerful rhythmic cadenses, interaction with the public is also generously nourished and emphasized. A superb voyage ahe
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Encore plus d'événements Concerts
Encore plus d'événements Région de Bruxelles-Capitale - Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
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