Male identities

image - Male identities

A propos

Inspired by bell hooks' book The Will to Change - Men, Masculinity and Love, and with the support of Engagement, Hugo Mega facilitates circles discussing the necessity of men's mental and emotional well-being in today’s society.  During the circles, participants will be invited to reflect on personal perspectives on the mentioned themes, and they will be invited to share ideas from their own life experiences. In exchange, learning tools from mindfulness, non-violent communication and imagery meditation will be offered, so that we may each express, reflect, and support ourselves and one another. Together, we hope to raise new forms of awareness about what being a man in this world can be. Each circle will focus on a specific topic and related questions: WE 12.02 Feminist Masculinity - Let's understand how patriarchal masculinity both shaped and continues shaping all of us on a personal level.  SA 30.11 Sex & Sexuality - How do I relate to sexuality in terms of emotions, norms, and social expectations? FR 29.11 Anger - How do I express and deal with anger? TH 28.11 Emotions - How do I identify and share my emotions? What am I feeling at the moment? WE 27.11 Masculinity - How do I live and experience (my) masculinity?  This series is open to people who identify as men. Welcome! Limited capacity, reserve your spot. Hugo Mega is a life coach, holistic therapist, yoga teacher and artist based in Brussels. For the past 10 years, he has questioned, researched, and explored artistically and spiritually the themes of masculinity and femininity. Engagement is an artist-led movement tackling sexual harassment, sexism and power abuse in the Belgian arts field.
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