Aman Duo de Belgique-Christmas Concert Corelli Scarlatti etc

image - Aman Duo de Belgique-Christmas Concert Corelli Scarlatti etc

A propos

Aman Duo de Belgique with Mersiha Teskeredži? & Sara Vujadinovi? brings together two passionate musicians in discovery of imaginative path of classical music combined with festive music for December. Utterly fresh in their approach, imagined as colorful story through music history, an inexhaustible source of ideas.

This time, they will preform from Early Italian masters Corelli and Scarlatti, passing through Ravel and Piazzolla as well as some extracts of opera Porgy and Bess which continues to thrill audiences with its passion, humanity, humor, and glorious music.

Art Base, Sunday 22/12/19 19h, 12,50E ( reduced 7E for students under 26 and jobseekers),
29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to

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