Brussels Vintage Market - DECEMBRE

image - Brussels Vintage Market - DECEMBRE

A propos


I Vintage Clothes
I Vintage items & deco
I Local designers
I Music & Christmas DJ set

I Saint Nicolas will be there
I Food & drinks
 & Many more

You'll find a delightful blend of vintage and second-hand items at friendly prices, including clothing, accessories, jewels, vinyl records, small furniture, toys, and decorative objects.

We also offer a hand-picked selection of the latest creations by our designers.

 -from 10:00 to 18:00
 -free entrance from 11:00 (No registration needed).
 -VIP entrance: be the first to discover our exhibitors' treasures from 10:00 to 11:00 in a peaceful atmosphere and enjoy your included breakfast (only for online registration): 8€/p

 RESET : 8, rue de Ligne 1000 Brussels

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