Amazonon, Eastern Mediteranean meets Brazil

image - Amazonon, Eastern Mediteranean meets Brazil

A propos

The name Amazonon evokes the Amazon tribe from the Greek Mythology, at the same time recalling the exuberance of the Amazon rain forest. Not surprisingly, the ensemble was born from the encounter of musical universes from different traditions; the melodic richness of Greek, Arabic and Eastern Mediterranean music combined with the rhythmic and harmonic deepness of Brazilian music.
The ensemble interprets historic compositions from Greece and Turkey and contemporary pieces from musicians that are connected with the Makam idiom, the modal system observed in the Mediterranean and Middle East.
The multicultural background from the musicians is a synthesis of how they relate to the idea of tradition; each song introduces new lights and colors to the presentation, and the variety of places where they originate helps to create a rich and diverse mosaic.

Album Release: Invisible Cities
The name of the album is homage to the Italian writer Italo Calvino (1923-1985), author of the book Invisible Cities, in which he imagines the traveler Marco Polo describing to the Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan the distant cities of his Empire. In Polo’s imaginative descriptions, cities are no longer geographical concepts but a complex symbol of the human experience.
The album Invisible Cities includes music written by composers from Brazil, United States, Lebanon and Greece. It searches for points that these cultures have in common, proposing a contemplative atmosphere and unexpected combinations of instruments. It was recorded by Brendon Heinst from the Dutch label TRPTK, specialized in ultra-high fidelity audio, highlighting even more the details of the textures and arrangements.

Art Base, Friday 19/11/21 20h, 15E ( reduced 10E for students under 26 and jobseekers),
29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to

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